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RJ Salvador

Software Engineer
and AEC nerd

COA Logos

design//December 02, 2021

The large logo for this site depicts a Merlion in a square, plus a beaver sitting on a castle crown. And the small logo depicts a large pearl sitting in its shell:

large seal

These designs combine visual elements of my two hometowns and I kinda see them as my personal symbols.


I was talking to my siblings about tattoo ideas when I thought of redesigning something with a Filipino spirit. Which led me to the coat of arms of Manila (my first hometown).

Manila COA + sketches

The design abstracts the three sections of the original seal into three squares, and an alternate view of the same symbols. For added action, the Merlion is “zoomed in” a little bit. In addition, the year of the modern city’s founding (1571) was used as a design element. Tinkering with Manila’s seal also led me to think about the seal of my current hometown (Toronto):

Toronto COA + sketches

After some time in Illustrator, the redesigned coats of arms looked like:

full series of Manila and TO pics