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RJ Salvador

Software Engineer
and AEC nerd

Autodesk Takeoff

work//January 24, 2024

Core technologies — React, Node.js, Revit, ADSK Construction Cloud/BIM360, ADSK Viewer/Forge/LMV

I worked in the team behind Autodesk Takeoff from Fall 2022 to Winter 2024, and it was a great experience. A lot of high-calibre engineering going on there, due to the demanding nature of their clients’ work. Takeoff is used by construction estimation professionals, usually in the pre-construction phase as bids and contracts are being prepared.

Main page sketch

Takeoff works with 2D sheets and 3D models. Users can make linear, area, count and BIM takeoffs, and can define custom calculations that are derived from those measurements.

Main page sketch

It was also neat to use my Revit models from school and testing the app with them.

Main page sketch

My main contributions to the app were in front-end housekeeping and improving the 3D model browser. It was a tree-like view of all the elements in a 3D model, with various filtering and searching options. Very handy feature for power users.